Vendor Booths
Booth Package
Policies and Procedures
The Timmins Fall Fair educates the public on agriculture and gives an opportunity for families to spend a fun weekend together participating in all kinds of activities. The vendor portion of the Fair was included in order to present to area residents handmade products and related agricultural services available in their area. The booth rental committee reserves the right to decide what products or displays will be permitted at the Fair. Education and demonstration of products and services related to farming, cultivation, food preparations, handmade items, etc… will be given first consideration. Other types of vendors will also be considered. All decisions made regarding the acceptance or refusal of an application is final.

Booth Director
Therese Chartier – [email protected]
Gaetanne Riopel – [email protected]
Deadline to Register
August 31st
Booth Fee
$175 for an 8′ by 8′ space
** Payment must accompany application. Postdated cheques will NOT be accepted.
Booth Hours
Saturday, 9am to 6pm
Sunday, 9am to 4pm
**No vehicular traffic will be permitted on fair grounds during hours of operation.
**Vendors are required to be present at their booth 30 minutes before the opening and till closing time of the Fair.
- Please send full description of products and services intended for display.
- The set-up time is Friday from 2 pm to 8 pm. Dismantling will be on Sunday at 4 pm.
- Displays must be professional in appearance and meet fire & health safety regulations.
- The staff/representative must be present for the duration of the event.
- One table and two chairs are provided with booth space.
- Indicate, on application, if you need hydro. You must supply your own ( approved ) extension cord.
- No subletting allowed.
- Cash sales are permitted on the floor. No **reduced sale tickets** are allowed on items.
- Products will be new and not used.
- The director reserves the right to inform a vendor to remove any product or material deemed to be offensive or unsafe.
- Your displays of products, stands and any other materials used at your booth shall not interfere with the displays of other vendors.
- Under NO circumstances will any vendor nail, paint or by any other means secure objects to the floor, walls or any other part of the building. ALL displays will be self-contained and supported.
- The committee will decide on the location for each booth.
- All draws must be done before closing on Sunday. The names of all winners must be given to the directors (Yvette Vincent or Irene Caron) for publication.
**ALL FOOD HANDLERS WILL BE REQUIRED TO WEAR LATEX GLOVES** Handling of payments require removal of gloves. A bottle of hand sanitizer is needed at your table. Your booth will be checked periodically.
- You will be provided with two name tags.
- Only registered staff members are allowed behind the booth. Additional helpers will have to purchase day or weekend passes.
- Please do not forget to sign your waiver of liability along with a waiver of privacy upon your application being accepted.
- All concerns/questions can be addressed to the booth directors.

Cancellations will be accepted with a written request until JULY 31st. All fees paid, less $35.00 application processing fee, will be remitted within 30 days. (No refunds on cancellations as of Aug. 1st.)

- Under NO circumstances will any vendor permit staff or employees to be in a state of intoxication while on the premises. The use or possession of any liquor in the exhibition areas is contrary to the regulations set out by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. Anyone failing to comply with this policy will be asked to leave the premises immediately.
- All vendors must carry a minimum of One Million Dollars Insurance liability coverage for all rented space and displays.
- Any damages or theft occurring to the vendor’s property during transportation, set up, take down, exhibit hours, after hours and in any other matter will be the sole responsibility of the vendor.
- The Porcupine District Agricultural Society will not take any responsibility or liability.

The Porcupine District Agricultural Society is a non-profit organization. The Fall Fair Committee consists of many volunteers who dedicate their time and effort in order to present a safe, educational and fun weekend for families in our community. As a participant in our Fall Fair, we, the committee, expect you and your staff to support the efforts put out by our members by displaying respectful conduct towards members of the society, exhibitors, other vendors and the public visiting our fair. Any behaviours deemed inappropriate, offensive, confrontational and or physical in any manner will be dealt with immediately. Consequences will vary depending on the offence and can go anywhere from being asked to leave the fair grounds to refusal of booth rental for the following year. All incidents during the fair hours would be reported immediately to the booth directors. It is our sincere hope that everyone participating at our fair will have a pleasant experience and all involved will ensure our Fair to be a successful one.